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How To Find The Blessing In Your Burden

May 14, 2018 | 4 comments

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Most people have heard the saying, “The grass is greener where you water it.”

It became a cliché we hear and agree with.

But what does this mean and look like practically and spiritually?

James 1:25 says, “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.” 

In other words, our application of God’s Word is far different than our simply audibly hearing it.

And, the blessing isn’t in us just agreeing with God’s Word…but again, in our “doing” of it.

This saying became very real to me as I was literally watering the grass at my parent’s house not too long ago.

I looked over to their neighbor’s yard and noticed that all of the surrounding houses didn’t have grass as green as my parents.

And immediately I thought to myself, “The grass is greener where you water it!”

This exact quote [as it was relevant] came alive to me at that moment!

But it was more than just merely watering grass…

It was the implication.

It was the message that God was speaking to me, “I will bless where your efforts are.”

God Is In The Details

There is no “luck” when it comes to my parent’s lawn.

Or, anything special my parents are using that isn’t accessible to the neighbors.

The reality is that my dad religiously waters the lawn daily, provides good soil, and takes care of the plants.

So the fruit of his labor is green grass.

Now let’s apply this concept Biblically to our lives.

Where is it that God is calling you to put your efforts?

It could be working on your marriage, looking for a job, getting through school, parenting, or perhaps growing your walk deeper with the Lord.

Regardless of what it is, the effort and work you put in are what God is going to bless.

God has shown me this over the years with things I thought were irrelevant to Him.

I used to think they’re not spiritual enough.

But God has always proven that He is in the details and cares about all matters of your life.

The number one thing being your spiritual relationship with Him, but also the daily tasks of your life too.

God cares about your ventures and endeavors as He can use anything to bring Him glory.

Not Fishers Of Men—Yet!

I love the story of the disciples when they were trying to catch fish.

They had no luck in doing so until Jesus told them to, “Cast their nets on the other side of the boat.” (John 2:16)

And then BAM!

The fish appeared as if out of nowhere!

So much so that the nets were full and the boat was about to sink!

While this was an obvious miracle, Jesus didn’t say, “Don’t worry about it guys. I’m Jesus and I can put the fish into your net.”

That would have saved a lot of time.

No, He had them do something first.

He had them cast their nets into the water a specific way.

Then, their effort was rewarded.

Did they pull up pearls and treasure chests when they cast their nets?


They received what was relevant to their efforts—fish.

And fish were exactly what they were trying to catch all along.

And the same happened with my dad as he watered the grass.

The blessing that came from his efforts and hard work was green grass, not tomatoes!

In other words, don’t expect to receive something you didn’t work for.

That’s the natural order of rewarding effort that God illustrates throughout scripture.

Partnering with God

Do you know that in this life we are called to co-labor with Christ?

And partner with Him in this life?

We’re not meant to go at it alone.

While many people do, it’s not God’s intent and best for us.

He said, “I have come to give you life and give to you abundantly”. (John 10:10)

But you can’t expect to get an abundant life from God without the One who gives it.

God can give you an abundant life, but He comes paired with that gift.

Many people like to associate that verse to mean materialistic stuff, but that’s not necessarily true.

You can have nothing physically, yet still have abundance spiritually.

For example, peace and joy are a priceless and rare commodity these days.

Countries are fighting for peace. Beauty pageant contestants hope for peace. We sing songs for peace.

But who has it?

Where is it?

What about joy?

God says in the fullness of His presence, joy is found. (Psalm 16:11)

So we see that the abundance that God speaks of is made up of things that are rare in this world.


Because they’re things that are not of this world!

So as we partner with God in spirit and the practical things of this life, we can receive the kingdom blessings that don’t depreciate or decay.

Who Are You Acknowledging?

God says if you acknowledge Him in all your ways, then He will direct your steps. (Proverbs 3:6)

He says to commit your ways to Him, then whatever it is, will come to pass. (Psalm 37:5)

This is an instructional verse on how to live out our lives as we’re here on Earth.

There are two things in these verses God is asking us to do:

  • First— We are to acknowledge Him.
  • Second — We are to commit whatever it is we’re doing to Him (everything our lives are involved in).
  • Third — We will receive from Him. (Which is the promise, direction and the fulfillment of what it is you are working towards).

Once again, it’s in what we do that the blessing follows.

This doesn’t mean just to think to commit but to actually live it out.

This is much easier said than done.

Think of the many commitments you made to God and didn’t follow through.

So to commit to the Lord is work and not promised to be comfortable.

But as Christians, we’re called to go against the tide.

Even if the only one on your side is the Lord.

His grace is sufficient, and in Christ, you are more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37)

So you’re created to conquer, not to be conquered by any circumstances.

Even if conquering does require your effort and hard work, it will always be worth it in the end.

Key Takeaway

God desires our efforts for Him to move in our lives.

And, we desire God’s blessing.

This partnership is a successful one in whatever context that may be.

In the Bible, it talks about a man named Joshua who [along with the Israelites] conquered and took the land that God had promised to them.

But God still required effort on their part to behold it.

They had to train, fight, and move forward.

In doing so, they received God’s blessing, promise, and favor.

So sometimes, the lesson is that the blessing is in the burden.

Sometimes you need to work hard for the Lord using your efforts wherever God has placed you in life at this present time.

He will bless you for it by allowing whatever it is your working hard towards to come to pass.


  1. dil

    Comment…i am so much encouraged. thank you sister. glory to Jesus.

  2. dil

    Comment…i am so much encouraged. thank you sister. glory to Jesus.

  3. Robert Martinez

    I absolutely love every thing said!!

  4. Robert Martinez

    I absolutely love every thing said!!


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